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Of 1st importance is that you are not led away from Jesus. Of 2nd importance is that you are led toward Jesus.

What is the minimum truth?

God is. He created good. We sinned. This sin is justly punished by death, both physical and eternal death. We are now sinners, that is people naturally inclined toward sin. So we are people deserving that same punishment. Thus we cannot save ourselves, for even in so trying we further our rebellion toward God. There are only two solutions: our death, or a radical change of our nature coupled with payment for our sin. Jesus satisfied justice in His death and resurrection and changes us through outpouring of His Spirit. But there is still a final judgement day coming where all deeds will be brought to account. For us who accept Jesus as both savour and ruler, we will be forgiven by His merit and admitted into heaven (a continuation of the eternal life begun in us at salvation), while for those who reject Jesus their sins will be theirs to bear in eternal judgement: fire and decay. Salvation is by God’s will, through God’s power (in Jesus) accepted by us in faith. Accepting this compels and frees us to live, that is to be righteous, and to cast off death, that is sin.

Jesus is both fully God and fully Human. This is important on a number of accounts, the foremost of which is that it is this aspect of His nature that allows His death to be fully substitutionary. Jesus is God incarnate. He was born of God and the virgin Mary. This necesitates the beliefe in Miricles. As does the Exodus (and reading any part of the Bible for that matter).

The Bible is the inspired word of God, written through humans over a long period of time. Thus it is without error, but with many literary styles and genres. Moreover the Bible is the means by which God reveals His full character. Especially in the person of Jesus. Thus the Bible contains all that nessesary for the salvation and sanctfication of a person, moreover it is sufficient for that task.

Jesus was bodily resurected. His reserection validates His claim to forgive sin and His promise of heaven. His resurection is essential. The fact that He was resurected bodily means that we too will be bodily resurected.

Jesus ascended into heaven. He has sent the Holy Spirit to work in us. He is presently alive and with us and king. He will return and reign over a physical, but changed world. Jesus’ ascention means that He will again descend to judge the world, as previously mentioned.

The proclamation of this truth and its application is many and varied but there are distinct tells: Repentance, prayer, humility, edification of the group, love, joy and God centred preaching.

Markers of human teaching (that is , untruth) are: pride, love of money, excusing pleasure, seeking what feels good for me, human centred teaching.

Markers that are neither here nor there: length of service, style of singing (although content, or focus, is worth considering).

Apparent passion for Jesus can be misleading...