In Colossians (1:16) it is stated that all creation is created by Jesus and for Jesus. (Also Ephesians 1:9-10) This is clear and fairly definitive, however it allows further exploration of what this means.
The Bible seams to have mean two different, but similar, things when it says that creation is for Jesus. There seam to be two things intended for creation: to point to Christ, and to be owned by Christ.
The Bible teaches that creation points toward God. This is clearly seen in Psalm 19 and in Romans (1:20). Further the scriptures are said to point toward Christ. This is seen in Luke (24:27) amongst other places.
This is clearly explained by the fact that Jesus is the fulfilment of God’s plan, and God created the world to carry out His plan, so it follows that Christ is the fulfilment of creation. That is to say creation, in one sense, exists to provide a backdrop to God’s plan which is fulfilled in Jesus. Thus saying ’Creation is for Jesus’ can be thought of as creation points toward Jesus.
The Bible speaks of Jesus as the first-born (Colossians 1:16 again, amongst others), and speaks of all things being given to Him as an inheritance (Colossians 1:20, 1 Peter 2:9). The Bible also speaks of the Church as the bride and body of Christ.
A further place to see this is in the sacrifice of Jesus. He came to earth to die for sinners to redeem them to Himself. (Titus 2:14) Further to redeem creation to himself. (Colossians 1:20)
This shows that they (creation and the Church) are for Him in the sense that He owns (and loves) them.
Both of these understandings are useful and valid, it can also be said that they complement each other and so together build a stronger and more beautiful image of God.
It is natural that God should create for Himself it is marvellous that He would choose to take an intense interest in it, desire to own it, and to love it, rather than only letting it serve as a sign. And in doing so the sign becomes more beautiful as it more effectively shows the character of God.
There are three ways that this should affect us.
The first is that we should do all things to the glory Jesus. (1 Peter 4:11) We, the people of God - the Church, were created for Him, so let us live worthy of this calling. (Ephesians 4:1)
The second consequence is a sense of peace knowing that all things work together for Christ. There are two things that this helps us with, the first is that we can trust Him under all circumstances because creation will achieve God’s will which is good. He graciously chooses this to mean the good of those who trust in Him. (Romans 8:28)
The third consequence is that we know that God can even work evil into good, (Romans 3:1-8) because all of creation is for Him. This, in turn, means that the world will not end if we do something wrong. This takes a great weight off our shoulders as it lets us be small and broken people, and lets God be the great worker of all things. God’s plan will not be ruined if we make a mistake. Additionally it means that when we are subject to the evil of the fall either through broken creation or through the evil of sin in others we can still rejoice for God remains good, and we know that He will work for our good.
“Creation is for Jesus” thus acts as a great motivating force and a great comfort. Praise be to the only wise God.